Nutritional Enhancement for Iron Content and Eombining Ability Studies in Newly Derived Inbred Lines of Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus Moench L.)
2 Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, college of agriculture, UAS Dharwad, India
Author Correspondence author
Molecular Plant Breeding, 2013, Vol. 4, No. 3 doi: 10.5376/mpb.2013.04.0003
Received: 23 Nov., 2012 Accepted: 14 Dec., 2012 Published: 25 Dec., 2012
Laxman M., et al., 2012, Nutritional Enhancement for Iron Content and Combining Ability Studies in Newly Derived Inbred Lines of Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus Moench L.), Molecular Plant Breeding, Vol.4, No.3 24-30 (doi: 10.5376/mpb.2013.04.0003)
The study was undertaken to investigate the iron content and general combining ability (GCA) of parents, specific combining ability (SCA) of hybrids and the genetic behavior of characters in the hybrids obtained by 10x10 full diallel method involving ten double cross derived inbred lines of okra. The ninety F1s and their parents along with checks were planted in a Simple Lattice Design with two replications during kharif 2010. The general combining ability (GCA) of the parents and the specific combining ability (SCA) of the hybrids and the gene effects were estimated by using the full diallel analysis method 1, model 1, described by Griffing (1956). In the populations all the traits viz., days to first flowering, 50% flowering, plant height, number of branches, inter nodal length, fruit length, fruit diameter, number of seeds per fruit, 100 seed weight, number of fruits per plant, fruit weight, fruit yield per plant and fruit yield per hectare were influenced by both additive and non-additive gene effects. It was determined that Line 4 for fruit yield per hectare, Line 18 for fruit weight and fruit yield per plant, Line 37 for number of fruits, number of seeds per fruit and inter nodal length, Line 2 for fruit diameter and 100 seed weight, Line 13 for number of branches were the best genotypes having the highest general combining abilities. It was also determined that hybrid combinations 4x37 for fruit yield per hectare, 6x16 for fruit yield per plant, 5x18 for fruit weight, 4x5 for number of fruits per plant, 5x37 and 6x12 for 100 seed weight and 2x6 for fruit length were the most promising crosses with the highest specific combining ability. There is no reciprocal effects have been observed in these genotypes. Path of productivity analysis revealed that fruit weight and number of fruits per plant or hectare had the highest direct effect or contribution to fruit yield. Thus, in the present study, 5x37, 18x5 and 5x6 were identified as promising hybrids combining high fruit yield per plant with high fruit weight. These crosses can also be used to derive superior segregants in further generations. Iron content analysis indicated the parents involving in hybrid combination viz., 4x22 and 4x5 gave higher iron content compared to top parents Lines 37 and 22 genotypes by using AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer).
Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench) is an economically important vegetable crop grown in tropical and sub-tropical parts of the world. It is grown commercially in India, Turkey, Iran, Western Africa, Yugoslavia, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Burma, Japan and the Southern United States. India ranks first in the world with 3.97 million tonnes (70% of the total world production) of okra produced from over 0.391 million ha land (Anon, 2009).
Okra is one of the important member of Malvaceae having higher chromosome number of 2n=8×=72 or 144 and polyploidy in nature. Being an often cross pollinated crop, okra is heterozygous in constitution in spite of its adoption for self-pollination. Out crossing ranging from 11.80% to 60.00% (Martin, 1979), which renders a considerable amount of genetic diversity. A short biological cycle, large and easy to manipulate flowers, autogamous and allogamous mode of reproduction, early and protracted flowering, fruit harvest just three days after flowering, a high added value in the offseason are all prior assets for breeding okra. Considering the potentiality of this crop there is a prime need for its improvement and to develop varieties and hybrids suitable for specific agro- climatic zones. The favorable characters of hybrids like production stability, suitability to high input agriculture, uniform growth and maturity shifted the focus towards heterosis breeding, leading to the release of the new potential hybrids.
The analysis of variance carried out for the fruit yield and its component characters and was significant for all the traits. The variance due to parents was found highly significant for days to 50% flowering, inter nodal length, 100 seed weight, fruit weight and fruit yield per hectare. Hybrids showed highly significant variation for all characters viz., days to first flowering, days to 50% flowering, plant height, number of branches per plant, inter nodal length, fruit length, number of seeds per fruit, test weight, number of fruits per plant, fruit weight, fruit yield per plant and fruit yield per hectare. F1s recorded highly significant variation for all the characters studied except fruit length and days to 50 per cent flowering. Reciprocals exhibited highly significant variation for all the characters except days to first flowering, plant height and fruit length which showed significant only at 5% probability level. Parents Vs Hybrids exhibited significant variation for days to first flowering, number of branches, inter nodal length, number of seeds per fruit, 100 seed weight and number of fruits per plant and F1 Vs reciprocals exhibited significant variation for fruit yield per plot and fruit yield per hectare.
Table 1 Top double cross derived lines for GCA effects with respect to fruit yield and its component traits |
The estimate of general combining ability, specific combining ability effects and reciprocal effects for fruit yield per and its component traits are presented in Table 1 and Table 2, respectively. Range of GCA effect for fruit yield per hectare varies from -3.44 (Line 2) to 2.15 (Line 4). The highest general combining ability effect for fruit yield per hectare recorded in Line 4 (2.15) followed by Line 5 (1.02), Line 16 (0.619), Line 12 (0.398), Line 18 (0.282) and Line 13 (0.07) but only two lines showed a significant positive GCA effect. Which means these lines can be used for pure line variety or for synthetic variety breeding. Range of GCA effect for fruit yield per plant varies from -68.53 (Line 2) to 27.92 (Line 18). The Line 18 (27.91) recorded the highest significant positive GCA effect followed by Line 16 (24.49) and Line 37 (19.89).
Table 2 Top three desirable hybrids with respect to SCA effects for thirteen characters in okra
Of the ten lines, Line 5 (-0.38) recorded high significant negative GCA effect whereas, Line 13 (0.49) recorded high significant positive GCA effect for days to first flowering. The Line 22 (-1.06) recorded high significant negative GCA effect and Line 13 (1.345) recorded high significant positive GCA effect for 50% flowering. GCA effect for inter nodal length varied from -1.03 (Line 37) to 0.47 (Line 16). Out of 10 lines, one line recorded significant negative GCA effects. The negative GCA effects for days to first flowering, days to 50% flowering and inter nodal length were desirable for further breeding methods as earliness is desirable and due reduction in inter nodal length adds the more number of fruits bearing points in plant.
For direct crosses the SCA effect for fruit yield per hectare was ranged from -6.43 (18×22) to 5.56 (4×37). The highest significant positive SCA effect was observed in the cross 4×37 (5.56) followed by 13×18 (5.26), and 6×16 (4.21). Among 45 hybrids tested, 4 hybrids recorded significant positive SCA effects viz., 4×37 (5.56), 13×18 (5.26), 6×16 (4.21) and 5×6 (3.70). This trait indicates the non-additive gene action that exploit by heterosis breeding by testing these promising cross combinations at different locations. For fruit yield per plant the highest SCA effect was observed for the cross 6×16 (123.56) followed by 5× 18 (94.13) and 4×37 (93.40). Forty six hybrids exhibited positive SCA effects for fruit yield per plant, of which 7 crosses recorded significant positive SCA effects viz., crosses 6×7 (123.56), 5×18 (94.13), 4×37 (93.4), 16×22 (77.6), 12×13 (59.2), 5× 6 (57.2) and 18 ×37 (83.47).
Table 3 Iron content analysis in okra genotypes
Human body has not only required the building blocks like carbohydrates, lipids, fats and proteins but also needs the micro nutrients like iron (Fe) which is important and acts as antibody for many of anaemic diseases, hence iron content in food supplement is most important. However, present investigation indicated that some of genotypes or hybrids had the higher amount of iron content on okra genotypes. The parents viz., Line 37 and 22 can use for improving iron content. Similarly hybrids which reported more than parents of iron content are 12×16, 4×22, 4×5 and 2×4 similar results also in barn yard millet and horse gram by Kadwe et al.(1974), Vanita Nadagouda (1992) and Kulkarni (1992).
Total (Zn, Cu, Fe and Mn ppm)=Volume made after digestion/ Weight of fruit sample used×ppm from the instrument
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. Laxman Malakannavar
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. Prakash Gangashetty
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. Okra ( Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench)
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