Combining Ability Studies for Yield and Its Related Traits in Newly Derived Inbred Lines of Maize (Zea Mays L.) 
2. AICRP on Maize, Arabhavi, UAS Dharwad, India
3. Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, University of Agricultural Sciences, GKVK Bangaluru, Karnataka-05, India

Molecular Plant Breeding, 2013, Vol. 4, No. 8 doi: 10.5376/mpb.2013.04.0008
Received: 28 Jan., 2013 Accepted: 04 Feb., 2013 Published: 12 Feb., 2013
Udaykumar K., et al., 2013, Combining ability studies for yield and its related traits in newly derived inbred lines of maize (Zea mays L.), Molecular Plant Breeding, Vol.4, No.8 71-76 (doi: 10.5376/mpb.2013.04.0008)
An experiment was conducted to study the Combining ability in newly derived lines involving line x tester analysis with ten lines and three testers at All India Co-ordinated Maize Improvement Project, Agricultural Research Station, Arabhavi, UAS, Dharwad. The results revealed that among ten female lines, L2 is the best general combiner for plant height, ear height, ear length, 100-grain weight, grain yield per hectare and fodder yield per hectare. Whereas, among thirty crosses, L8×T3 is the best specific combination for plant height, ear height and grain yield per hectare.
Maize is one of the staple food crops globally. In world, it ranks third in production next to wheat and husked rice and ranks second next to wheat, if dehusked rice is considered and covering nearly 22% of world area. It belongs to the family Poaceae and the tribe Maydeae. It is known as “King of crops”, because of its industrial value and larger acreage and there is no cereal on the earth which has so immense potentiality and that is why is called “Queen of Cereals”.
![]() Table 1 Analysis of variance for combining ability for 13 different characters
Among the ten parents studied, the parental lines L1 was best general combiner for plant height, ear height, ear girth, 100-grain weight, grain yield per hectare and fodder yield per hectare. L2 was best general combiner for plant height, ear height, ear length, 100-grain weight, grain yield per hectare and fodder yield per hectare. L7 was found to be best general combiner for ear length, 100-grain weight, grain yield per hectare and shelling percentage. Days to 50% silking, plant height, ear height, days to 50% brown husk maturity and shelling percentage for these characters L8 showed significant general combining ability effects and parent L10 can be given the status of best general combiner for majority of the characters like ear height, no. of kernel rows per ear, shelling percentage and fodder yield per hectare. Hence these parents can be better utilized for the improvement of the characters for which the parents showed significant gca effects (Table 2).
![]() Table 2 General combining ability (gca) effects of parents in respect of 13 characters
Out of thirty hybrids/crosses, six hybrids have shown significant sca effects for the grain yield per hectare viz., L2×T1, L4×T1, L6×T3, L7×T1,L8×T3 and L9×T2. The crosses, L1×T2, L3×T1 and L8×T3 for plant height and ear height (Paul and Debnath., 1999; Zelleke., 2000), and for ear length (Kumar., 1971) the crosses like, L1×T3 and L8×T1 and for no. of kernel rows per ear (Premalata et al.,2011) L10×T1 were the best specific combinations. It was clear that these hybrids were the combinations of either both the parents as good general combiners or one of the parents as good general combiner for grain yield character (Table 3).
![]() Table 3 Specific combining ability (sca) effects of single cross experimental hybrids in respect of 13 characters
In brief overall results from present investigation revealed that the parents, L1, L2, L7, L8 and L10 were considered to be an best general combiners and of the 30 hybrids L2×T1, L1×T2 and L8×T3 were found to be good specific combination for grain yield and its contributing traits like plan height, ear height, ear length and no. of kernel rows per cob and it was suggested that they could be exploited by production of single cross hybrids in realizing the higher yields.
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. Udaykumar kage

. Wali M.C.

. Deepa Madalageri

. Laxman Malakannavar

. Prakash Gangashetty

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. Maize ( Zea Mays L.)

. Line x tester

. Combining ability

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