Molecular Marker Assisted Approaches (MMAA) for enhancing Low Water Stress Tolerance in Common Bean: An Update
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Molecular Plant Breeding, 2014, Vol. 5, No. 14 doi: 10.5376/mpb.2014.05.0014
Received: 28 Sep., 2014 Accepted: 12 Oct., 2014 Published: 26 Nov., 2014
Zargar et al., Molecular Marker Assisted Approaches (MMAA) for enhancing low water stress tolerance in Common bean: An update, Molecular Plant Breeding, 2014, Vol.5, No. 14 1-12 (doi: 10.5376/mpb.2014.05.0014)
Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is an important leguminous crop from the nutritional point of view, as it is rich in micronutrients as well as protein content. Drought stress is a major abiotic stress which reduces yield of crops to a major extent. Common bean is mostly cultivated under rain-fed conditions and due to very frequent droughts at the critical growth stages, there is a reduction in its average yield to a larger extent. Therefore, there is an urgent need of developing drought resistant common bean cultivars. Advances in omics approaches have opened a path to tackle many unresolved problems pertaining to crop sustainability. In this review we have discussed various options of using genomics-based approaches, mainly molecular marker assisted approaches (MMAA) to address drought tolerance in common bean. Moreover, we have also emphasized the limitations of conventional breeding approaches in tackling complex traits in crop plants.