2. Plant Protection and Quarantine Station of Hainan Province, Haikou, 570203, P.R. China
Author Correspondence author
Molecular Plant Breeding, 2011, Vol. 2, No. 12 doi: 10.5376/mpb.2011.02.0012
Received: 19 May, 2011 Accepted: 04 Jul., 2011 Published: 18 Jul., 2011
Liu et al., 2011, Genetic Diversity of Coconut Cultivars in China by Microsatellite (SSR) Markers, Molecular Plant Breeding Vol.2 No.12 (doi: 10.5376/mpb.2011.02.0012)
Assessment of genetic diversity is an essential component in germplasm characterization and utilization. In this study, we determined genetic diversity of 10 coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) accessions from six locations in Hainan province, China by using microsatellite markers. From the used 26 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers, we detected a total of 188 alleles with an average of 7.23 alleles per locus and an average polymorphism information content of 0.575. Expected heterozygosity (He) of Haikou green Tall (HK-GT) was significantly higher than that of other Tall types, while the lowest heterozygosity was observed in Sanjiang green Tall (SJ-GT). At the genetic differentiation index (FST) of 0.078, they showed a low level of population differentiation. In addition to diversity parameters, Bayesian assignment tests and cluster analysis were used to determine population structure. Our study provided a better understanding of individual identities, genealogical relationships and geographical origin of coconut germplasm, and it could contribute to more efficient conservation and utilization of this germplasm.
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. Xiaolei Liu
. Hua Tang
. Dongdong Li
. Liheng Hou
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. Coconut cultivar
. Simple sequence repeat (SSR)
. Genetic diversity
. Hainan
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