Research Article
Morphometric Variability and Biochemical Analysis of Growth Seedlings under Salt Stress in Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) Cultivars. 

Molecular Plant Breeding, 2016, Vol. 7, No. 4 doi: 10.5376/mpb.2016.07.0004
Received: 10 Nov., 2015 Accepted: 26 Dec., 2015 Published: 02 Jan., 2016
Touati Amar, Yahia Nourredine and Fyad-Lamèche Fatima Zohra, 2016, Morphometric Variability and Biochemical analysis of Growth Seedlings under Salt stress in Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) Cultivars., Molecular Plant Breeding, 7(04): 1-9 (doi: 10.5376/mpb.2016.07.0004)
Biotic and abiotic stresses impose a major threat to agriculture. Increase crop productivity need to develop stress tolerant plants. Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) is a model plant for studying the mechanisms of plant salt tolerance. Plants may be exposed to different salt levels at various stages of development; seed germination represents a major bottleneck in the species life cycle. In this context, seeds of eight varieties of tomato were tested under different levels of NaCl. Two approaches were adopted in this investigation: (a) Morphometric variability measurement, (b) biochemical changes of protein profile and iso-enzyme esterase activity. For the morphometric variability, two quantitative components were measured, vigor seed and length of seedling, for each parameter tolerance index (IT = treated / control) was evaluated. Statistical analysis was carried by software STATISTICA (version6. France). One-way ANOVA analysis indicates a significant difference between treatments and between varieties by depending on the increasing salt level for both components, differences between means were determined. Following the biometric analysis two genotypes were selected to complete biochemical analysis under stress conditions, MCH (salt-tolerant) and MRMD (moderately-tolerant). SDS-PAGE electrophoresis was used to determinate the effect of NaCl on protein expression and Native-PAGE electrophoresis to study isozymatic activity of esterase (EC 1.11.2). Results showed that salt-tolerant genotype increase of presently consecutive expression proteins; in contrast high levels of NaCl induce denaturation of proteins isoforms in sensitive genotype. Another interesting finding about antioxidant esterase activities; an important elevate expressed of esterase isoforms was founded in the salt-tolerant than the sensitive one. High levels of salt stress inhibited completely some of them in both genotypes.
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. Touati Amar

. Yahia Nourredine

. Fyad-Lamèche Fatima Zohra

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. Salt stress

. Seeds vigor

. Seedling length

. Tolerance Index

. SDS-PAGE proteins

. Esterase (EC 1.11.2)

. Lycopersicon esculentum Mill

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