Research Report
Genetic Diversity Analysis of Lentil (Lens culinaris Medik) Cultivars Using Inter Simple Sequence Repeats Markers 
2 Division of Crop Improvement, ICAR – Central Research Institute for Jute and Allied Fibres, Barrackpore, Kolkata – 700 120, India
3 School of Applied Sciences, Health Innovation Research Institute, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia
4 International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas, Aleppo, Syria

Molecular Plant Breeding, 2016, Vol. 7, No. 23 doi: 10.5376/mpb.2016.07.0023
Received: 19 Apr., 2016 Accepted: 04 Jun., 2016 Published: 15 Jun., 2016
Datta S., Gupta P., Kaashyap M., and Kumar S., 2016, Genetic Diversity Analysis of Lentil (Lens culinaris Medik) Cultivars Using Inter Simple Sequence Repeats Markers, Molecular Plant Breeding, 7(23): 1-9 (doi: 10.5376/mpb.2016.07.0023)
Molecular markers have emerged as useful tools to assess the genetic diversity across crops. In lentil, molecular markers are limited. The objective of the study was to explore genetic diversity and relatedness Indian and exotic lentil accessions. Genetic diversity was studied in 25 lentil cultivars using 100 ISSR markers. Out of 100 markers, 24 amplified PCR products and total of 156 alleles were identified with a mean of 6.5 alleles per marker. Genetic similarity among the genotypes ranged from 37 to 84%. UPGMA cluster analysis revealed two main clusters, and the second cluster comprised majority of genotypes with the exception of germplasm line Precoz, which did not fall in either cluster. Eleven genotype specific unique bands were also obtained which showed amplification only in particular genotypes. These unique bands can serve as potential diagnostic markers and therefore, may be of immense importance. The polymorphic markers will enhance marker repertoire to study genetic diversity in lentil and also improve understanding about the genetic base lentil cultivars.
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. Subhojit Datta

. Gupta Prasoonpal

. Kaashyap Mayank

. Kumar S.

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