Research Article

Phylogenetic Relationship of Lilies (Lilium) Analyzed based on trnH-psbA Barcode Technology  

Cui Jinteng1,2,3 , Yang Xuezhen1 , Zhang Kezhong1,2,3 , Jia Yuehui4
1 College of Landscape, Beijing University of Agriculture, 102206, Beijing, China
2 Beijing laboratory of Urban and rural ecological environment, 102206, Beijing, China
3 Beijing Engineering Research Center of rural landscape planning and design, 102206, Beijing, China
4 College of Foerstry and Horticulture, Beijing University of Agriculture, 102206, Beijing, China
Author    Correspondence author
Molecular Plant Breeding, 2016, Vol. 7, No. 27   doi: 10.5376/mpb.2016.07.0027
Received: 04 Jun., 2016    Accepted: 10 Jun., 2016    Published: 24 Jun., 2016
© 2016 BioPublisher Publishing Platform
This article was first published in 《Molecular Plant Breeding》 in Chinese, and here was authorized to translate and publish the paper in English under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Preferred citation for this article:

Cui J.T., Yang X.Z., Zhang K.Z., and Jia Y.H., 2016, Phylogenetic Relationship of Lilies (Lilium) Analyzed based on trnH-psbA Barcode Technology, Molecular Plant Breeding, 7(27): 1-9 (doi: 10.5376/mpb.2016.07.0027)


Phylogenetic relationship of lilium plants was studied by means of trnH-psbA DNA barcode technique. The result demonstrated that trnH-psbA sequence length varied in different lilium plants. The entire length of trnH-psbA sequence was 460 bp after multiple alignments. The number of conserved sites was 415 and that of variable sites was 45. A total of 63 tested materials were clustered into five groups. Lilium davidii, 7 Asiatic cultivars, one cross progeny between Asiatic cultivar and wild parental species, were clustered into one subgroup (the Ⅰa subgroups). Lilium speciosum var. gloriosoides, 10 Oriental cultivars and 2 intra-section Archelirion cross progenes were gathered into one subgroup (the Ⅰb subgroup ). Majority of the tested wild species were clustered into the Ⅱ group which showed the characteristics of intra-species and geography. To some extent, the phylogenetic relationship of wild lilies in Ⅱ group via trnH-psbA barcode was inconsistent with the result obtained from traditional morphological classification method. The other 4 Asiatic cultivars and one cross progeny between one Asiatic cultivar and wild parental species were clustered into the Ⅲ group. Therefore, the Asiatic cultivars in Ⅰb subgroup and those in the Ⅲ group were originated from different lilies in the section Sinomartagon.

Lilium brownie; Phylogenetic relationship; trnH-psbA barcode
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. Cui Jinteng
. Yang Xuezhen
. Zhang Kezhong
. Jia Yuehui
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. Lilium brownie
. Phylogenetic relationship
. trnH-psbA barcode
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