2 Beijing Laboratory of Urban and Rural Ecological Environment, Beijing, 102206, China
3 Beijing Engineering Research Center of Rural Landscape Planning and Design, Beijing, 102206, China
4 Plant Science and Technology College, Beijing University of Agriculture, Beijing, 102206, China
Author Correspondence author
Molecular Plant Breeding, 2018, Vol. 9, No. 3 doi: 10.5376/mpb.2018.09.0003
Received: 12 Apr., 2018 Accepted: 26 Apr., 2018 Published: 04 May, 2018
Zhu Z.Q., Cao X., Cui J.T., Zhang K.Z., and Jia Y.H., 2018, Hybridization breeding between triploid OT lily and diploid oriental lily, Molecular Plant Breeding, 9(3): 18-25 (doi: 10.5376/mpb.2018.09.0003)
This study was aimed to find out the law of hybridization breeding between triploid OT lily and diploid O lily, and breed interspecific hybrids. The conventional compression method was used to analyze maternal chromosome karyotypes. The cut style and normal stigma pollination methods were applied in cross hybridization between OT×O. The direct ovule inoculation method was used for embryo rescue at different time after pollination. In this study, 6 OT lilies as female parents were all triploids. The normal stigma pollination method was obviously better than the cut style method, the former fruit and seed setting rates were both evidently higher than the latter. In 24 OT(♀)×O(♂) hybridized combinations, 16 combinations could bear fruits accounting for 66.67%. Most of 16 combinations could generate plump seeds and the seed set rate was from 2.49% to 16.78%. 4 O(♀)×OT(♂) back-cross and 6 OT(♀)×OT(♂) self-cross combinations had no fruits. It was the most effective to do embryo rescue on the 60 d after pollination and the ovule germinating speed was the fastest with the emergence rate of 5.45%~18.56%. This study preliminarily revealed the law of hybridization breeding between triploid OT lily (♀) and diploid O lily (♂), which would lay the foundation for creating aneuploid variation and cultivating new breeds of interspecific hybrid.
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. Zhu Zeqin
. Cao Xiao
. Cui Jinteng
. Zhang Kezhong
. Jia Yuehui
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. Lily
. Hybridization of Lily
. Ploidy hybridization
. Embryo rescue
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