Association Analysis in Genetically Diverse Non-basmati Local Aromatic Genotypes of Rice (Oryza sativa L.)
2. UAS Shimoga, Shimoga, India
3. ARS Mugad, UAS Dharwad-05
1. Department of genetics and plant breeding, college of agriculture, Dharwad-05, India
2. UAS Shimoga, Shimoga, India
3. ARS Mugad, UAS Dharwad-05, India
Author Correspondence author
Molecular Plant Breeding, 2013, Vol. 4, No. 4 doi: 10.5376/mpb.2013.04.0004
Received: 17 Dec., 2012 Accepted: 09 Jan., 2013 Published: 14 Jan., 2013
Gangashetty P.I., et al., 2013, Association Analysis in Genetically Diverse Non-basmati Local Aromatic Genotypes of Rice (Oryza sativa L.), Molecular Plant Breeding, Vol.4, No.4 31-37 (doi: 10.5376/mpb.2013.04.0004)
An investigation was carried out to know the association among yield and yield attributing traits in local non-basmati aromatic genotypes of rice. The experiment was conducted in randomized complete block design with two replications during Kharif 2010 at Agricultural Research station Mugad, UAS Dharwad. Totally fourty two genetically diverse genotypes were considered for the study and analysis of variance was found to be significant for all the traits, indicate that there is existence of genetic variability for all the traits. The results found that the significant and positive association was observed for number of tillers per plant, number of productive tillers per plant, panicle weight, grain breadth and test weight with grain yield per plant at both genotypic and phenotypic level. The negative and significant correlation noticed for plant height and days to 50 per cent flowering at both genotypic and phenotypic level. So these associated characters will help for selection process during handling of segregating material for various traits. The high direct effect on grain yield per plant was observed for number of tillers per plant, number of productive tillers per plant, panicle weight and test weight at both genotypic and phenotypic level. So while selecting genotypes for high grain yield these characters must be take into consideration.
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. Prakash I Gangashetty
. P.M. Salimath
. N.G. Hanamaratti
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. Rice ( Oryza sativa L.)
. Aromatic rice
. Basmati rice
. Aromatic genotypes
. Association analysis
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