Molecular Plant Breeding, 2013, Vol. 4, No. 22 doi: 10.5376/mpb.2013.04.0022
Received: 13 Jun., 2013 Accepted: 19 Jun., 2013 Published: 21 Jun., 2013
Singh et al., 2013, Combining Ability Studies for Yield and its Related Traits in Inbred Lines of Maize (Zea mays L.), Molecular Plant Breeding, Vol.4, No.22 177-188 (doi: 10.5376/mpb.2013.04.0022)
Combining ability analysis for yield and its component traits was performed with 15 lines, 3 testers, 3 checks and the resulting 45 crosses using Line×Tester analysis. The analysis of variance indicated significant differences among parents, females, males, crosses, females vs. males and parents vs. crosses for almost all the traits. Combining ability analysis showed significant to highly significant differences among the lines, testers and lines×tester. L6 was a good general combiner for earliness, whereas, L2 for dwarfness and yield. Tester T1 was good general combiner for earliness, T3 for dwarfness and T2 for yield. The mean performance of the different genotypes revealed that the crosses L11×T2, L10×T3 and L12×T2 showed highest yield / plot. L5×T3 exhibited negative and significant estimate of SCA effect for maturity traits, whereas, L10×T1 exhibited the same for height. Crosses L6×T1, L8×T1 and L14×T2 recorded positive and significant SCA effects for yield / plot. Cross L7×T1 recorded positive and significant estimates of SCA effect for ear length, ear diameter and rows per ear.
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. Ajay Singh

. J. P. Shahi

. D. M. Langade

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. Combining ability


. Maize ( Zea mays L.)


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