Effect of Ca2+ Regulators on the CaM Gene Expression in Guzmania ‘Amaranth’ during Flower Induction by Ethylene
2. Key Laboratory of South China Gene Resources and Germplasm Creating, Ministry of Agriculture, Danzhou, 571737, P.R. China
3. Key Laboratory of Tropical Crops Germplasm Genetic Improvement and Creation of Hainan Province, Danzhou, 571737, P.R. China
4. Vegetable Research Institute, Guangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Nanning, 530007, P.R. China
Author Correspondence author
Plant Gene and Trait, 2012, Vol. 3, No. 3 doi: 10.5376/pgt.2012.03.0003
Received: 11 Nov., 2011 Accepted: 09 Dec., 2011 Published: 01 Mar., 2012
Li et al., 2012, Effect of Ca2+ Regulators on the CaM Gene Expression in Guzmania ‘Amaranth’ during Flower Induction by Ethylene, Plant Gene and Trait, Vol.3, No.3 13-17 (doi: 10.5376/pgt.2012.03.0003)
Since 1930s, the technology of flowering induction by ethylene in bromeliads has begun to be used in production. So far, it is still effectively used in bromeliads flowering induction. However, There is little clear on the mechanism of ethylene flowering induction. In order to clarify the role of Ca2+-CaM system in flowering induction by ethylene in bromeliads, Guzmania ‘Amaranth’ plants were employed to be treated with combination of ethylene and Ca2+ accelerator, or Ca2+ chelator or Ca2+ inhibitor respectively. The expression characteristics of CaM were investigated by the approaches of RT-PCR and Northern blot. The results showed that the Ca2+ accelerator can advance the expression peak of CaM at the same time of ethylence treatment, wheresas, Ca2+ chelator and Ca2+ inhibitor could delay the expression peak of CaM. These results were consistent with the corresponding process of the flowering time, which indicated that the Ca2+-CaM system might play an important regulative role in the flowering induction by ethylene in Guzmania ‘Amaranth’, but not a decisive role.
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. Zhiying Li
. Zilin Yi
. Hanqing Cong
. Li Xu
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. Guzmania ‘Amaranth’
. Ethylene
. Ca 2+ regulator
. CaM
. Gene expression
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