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Tree Genetics and Molecular Breeding, 2021, Vol. 11, No. 1 doi: 10.5376/tgmb.2021.11.0001
Received: 12 Aug., 2021 Accepted: 20 Aug., 2021 Published: 31 Aug., 2021
Wang X.S., Wang Y.Q., Li S.H., Liu Y.L., and Zhu B., 2021, Analysis of codon usage bias in the Platycarya chloroplast genome, Tree Genetics and Molecular Breeding, 11(1): 1-11 (doi:10.5376/tgmb.2021.11.0001)
To detect the codon usage characteristics of chloroplast genomes in Platycarya genus, the CodonW、CUSP and SPSSAU software were employed to analyze the codon usage patterns of the chloroplast genomes protein-coding sequence in Platycarya longipes and Platycarya strobilacea in this research. Results show that the GC content of chloroplast genomes was 37.75% and 37.80%, the average GC content in the 3rd position was 27.16% and 27.25%. the range of effective codon number from 35.19 to 56.98, and there were more than 2/3 genes when ENC value greater than 45, which indicated a weak preference. According to the results of neutrality plot analysis, ENC-plot analysis and PR2-plot analysis, codon bias in most Platycarya chloroplast genes were affected by natural selection, while a few were affected by mutations or other factors. And based on the ENC value, five groups of high-expressed and low-expressed genes were identified, 16 codons were ended with A/U among the 18 optimal codons. The research has implications on codon optimization, enhancing the expression efficiency of exogenous gene and phylogenetic analysis.
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. Xiaoshuang Wang
. Yanqing Wang
. Shihong Li
. Yingliang Liu
. Bin Zhu
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. Platycarya
. Chloroplast genomes
. Codon bias
. Optimal codons
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