PlWRKY47 Coordinates with Cytosolic Glyceraldehyde-3-Phosphate Dehydrogenase 2 Gene to Improve Thermotolerance through Inhibiting Reactive Oxygen Spec
Published:23 Oct.2024    Source:Plant, Cell & Environment
Although WRKY transcription factors play crucial roles in plant responses to high-temperature stress, little is known about Group IIb WRKY family members. Here, we identified the WRKY-IIb protein PlWRKY47 from herbaceous peony (Paeonia lactiflora Pall.), which functioned as a nuclear-localized transcriptional activator. The expression level of PlWRKY47 was positively correlated with high-temperature tolerance. Silencing of PlWRKY47 in P. lactiflora resulted in the decreased tolerance to high-temperature stress by accumulating reactive oxygen species (ROS).
Overexpression of PlWRKY47 improved plant high-temperature tolerance through decreasing ROS accumulation. Moreover, PlWRKY47 directly bound to the promoter of cytosolic glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase 2 (PlGAPC2) gene and activated its transcription. PlGAPC2 was also positively regulated high-temperature tolerance in P. lactiflora by increasing NAD+ content to inhibit ROS generation. Additionally, PlWRKY47 physically interacted with itself to form a homodimer, and PlWRKY47 could also interact with one Group IIb WRKY family member PlWRKY72 to form a heterodimer, they all promoted PlWRKY47 to bind to and activate PlGAPC2.
These data support that the PlWRKY47-PlWRKY47 homodimer and PlWRKY72-PlWRKY47 heterodimer can directly activate PlGAPC2 expression to improve high-temperature tolerance by inhibiting ROS generation in P. lactiflora. These results will provide important insights into the plant high-temperature stress response by WRKY-IIb transcription factors.