GenBreed Publisher Membership
The GenBreed Publisher Membership is to promote the development of the open access in academic publishing and to speed up scientific dissemination and technology intercourse, as well as to encourage academic and research institutions, academic societies, nonprofit organizations, and industrial sectors to actively support open access in publishing.
GenBreed Publisher offers different types of membership to meet the varied needs of clients:
Prepay membership: Clients prepay the charges of the articles to be processed and published. The discounts of the full article processing charge of the relevant GenBreed Publisher journals will be deducted from the account when the articles are published. The more charges were prepaid, the more discounts you will enjoy.
Supporter membership: The supporter members pay fixed annual membership fees based on the total numbers of the researcher and the graduate of the biology and medicine in their own institutes. Authors from supporter member institutes enjoy a 15% discount of the article processing charges (APC) when they publish their articles in GenBreed Publisher.
If you and your institute want a change in the mode of publishing and dissemination of the research results, and also be a part of the change, you will have to think of acquiring a membership of GenBreed Publisher.
If you are a scientist and wish your institute, corporation and association to be a member of the GenBreed Publisher, you can make it by filling out our recommendation form and made a suggestion to your agencies for approval.
What are the benefits of being a member of the GenBreed Publisher?
Time saving and convenient
The researchers don't have to pay the full article processing charges. These terms are for all journals charging APCs at present and those journals that charge a certain number of fees when publishing an article. Be sure that the above advantages are only for authors with GenBreed Publisher membership. And the articles must be submitted within membership period.
Cost saving
As a member of the GenBreed Publisher, all kinds of institute and their researchers that publish articles in the open access journals can enjoy the low cost-high efficient solution the GenBreed Publisher offers. The GenBreed Publisher offers different kinds of solution for distinct membership so as to provide them with the most suitable and cost saving pricing schemes that meet their needs.
Enjoying favorable discount of the GenBreed Publisher's products
Institute subscription enjoying 15% discount of the GenBreed Publisher value-added products and services
Increasing the exposure rate for your institute
GenBreed Publisher's open access policy makes your work exposed to high visibility and maximum exposure in the world. Anyone can read and download your article with online access. Top-quality articles in GenBreed Publisher's journals are automatically assessed based on citation. High quality articles published in GenBreed Publisher will be translated into different languages and redistributed.
And, every article published in GenBreed Publisher is to be assigned a DOI deposited to CrossRef, facilitating permanent linkage and persisting citations in scholarly materials. All articles published in GenBreed Publisher are deposited on the web and included in famous repositories and major databases so that your work can be easily googled, indexed and cited by researchers around the world.