Article Processing Charges
1. GenBreed Publisher does not charge any publication fees and adopts a free publishing policy.
All journals under GenBreed Publisher do not require article processing charges (APCs) and offer free publication and free access.
2. GenBreed Publisher does not provide any remuneration or payment to authors.
As the journals under GenBreed Publisher do not charge publication fees, there is no provision for author payment.
3. We offer additional fee-based services.
While GenBreed Publisher journals do not charge publication fees, we do provide additional services upon request, for which reasonable service fees may apply. These services include, but are not limited to, the following:
■ Language translation services:
If authors require non-English manuscripts to be translated into English, translation fees will be charged based on the length of the article (for cost information, please contact the publisher).
■ Manuscript editing services:
If authors request editing services such as proofreading or modifications to their manuscripts, editing fees will be charged based on the length of the article (for cost information, please contact the publisher).
■ Hardcopy printing and mailing services:
If customers or authors wish to obtain hardcopy versions and have them mailed, additional charges for printing and mailing will apply based on the rates of the courier service provider.
■ We offer fPDF production services.
We provide fPDF format versions, a new type of electronic version, as we are registered paying users of the fPDF service provider. Therefore, when our customers require fPDF format versions, we will charge a nominal fee (for cost information, please contact the publisher).
4. We accept voluntary donations.
Open access publications are not without costs. As a publisher, GenBreed Publisher needs to pay platform operation fees to publishing platform operators. These fees are used for server rentals, journal publishing systems, publishing databases, access space, software upgrades, and the daily operation and maintenance of the journal publishing system. In order to promote the prosperity and development of open access journals, we encourage research institutions, researchers, and authors publishing in GenBreed Publisher journals to make voluntary donations. We appreciate your support for the open access publishing model.
Our journal operates on a no-fee basis, and all submissions undergo a peer-review process. We prioritize HTML publication and PDF versions will be available within 30 days after HTML publication.