Bioengineering for Robust Tolerance Against Cold and Drought Stresses Via Co-Overexpressing Three Cu-miRNAs in Major Food Crops
Published:05 Nov.2024    Source:Cell Reports
Environmental stresses threaten global food security by reducing major crop productivity. MicroRNAs (miRNAs), a class of small non-coding RNAs, function as master regulators of gene expression in plants. In this study, we co-overexpressed three copper-miRNAs (miR397, miR408, and miR528) in three major food crops (referred to as 3miR-OE), which simultaneously silenced several target laccase genes, resulting in reduced lignin contents but increased flavonoid metabolites.
Importantly, we observed that, compared to wild-type and single miRNA overexpression lines, the 3miR-OE transgenic Japonica and Indica rice exhibited significantly enhanced tolerance against cold and drought stresses throughout the growth period.

In addition, 3miR-OE transgenic maize and wheat also exhibited robust resistance to cold and water-deficit conditions, suggesting that co-overexpressing three Cu-miRNAs is a powerful tool for improving resilience to abiotic stresses across diverse crops. Altogether, we have developed a bioengineering strategy to maintain crop growth and yield under unfavorable environmental conditions.