miR394 and LCR Cooperate with TPL to Regulate AM Initiation
Published:26 Jan.2025 Source:Nature Communications
Plant architecture is a main determinate of crop yield, and lateral branching significantly influences the number of inflorescences and seeds. The mechanism of axillary bud initiation remains unclear. This work aimed to examine how miRNAs regulate axillary bud initiation.
By constructing a small RNA library and screening a mutant population, we revealed the initiation of axillary buds is specifically induced by miR394 and repressed by its target, LEAF CURLING RESPONSIVENESS (LCR). Using promoter-driven fluorescent tags and in situ hybridization, we showed that miR394 is localized in the center of the leaf axil where AMs are initiated. Through molecular and genetic research, we revealed that miR394/LCR may regulate REVOLUTA (REV) and SHOOT MERISTEMLESS (STM) to establish the axillary meristem.
Immunoprecipitation-mass spectrometry studies revealed that LCR, as an F-box protein, may interact with TOPLESS (TPL) proteins and participate in ubiquitinated protein degradation. Our results reveal an important mechanism by which the miR394-regulated LCR accelerates the degradation of TPL to precisely modulate axillary bud initiation.