Development of new set of microsatellite markers in cultivated tobacco and their transferability in other Nicotiana spp.
2. Biotechnology section, Crop Improvement Division, Indian Institute of Rice Research Institute (ICAR-IIRR), Hyderabad, India
3. National Research Centre on Plant Biotechnology (NRCPB), New Delhi, India
Author Correspondence author
Molecular Plant Breeding, 2015, Vol. 6, No. 16 doi: 10.5376/mpb.2015.06.0016
Received: 28 Jul., 2015 Accepted: 29 Aug., 2015 Published: 14 Oct., 2015
Madhav M.S., Siva Raju K., Gaikwad K., Vishalakshi B., Murthy T.G.K. Umakanth B., 2015, Development of new set of microsatellite markers in cultivated tobacco and their transferability in other Nicotiana spp., Molecular Plant Breeding, 6(16) 1-13 (doi: 10.5376/mpb.2015.06.0016)
Scarcity of molecular markers in tobacco has been a limitation, hampering the acceleration of breeding efforts. Development of microsatellite markers is a prerequisite for mapping, tagging of many useful qualitative and quantitative traits and also for the generation of saturated linkage map. Use of microsatellite-enriched genomic libraries an efficient and rapid method for the identification of clones harboring microsatellite motifs leading to the development of microsatellite markers. In the present study, a total of 111 microsatellite motifs was identified from the enriched library, of which, 70 motifs (which includes perfect and imperfect repeat) were used for marker development. These newly developed markers could successfully differentiated different types of tobacco and diverse cultivars of Flue Cured Virginia (FCV) tobacco. The high rate of transferability (95-7% - 100%) of these microsatellite markers in a wide range of Nicotiana species indicated their potential as viable resources in the inter-specific gene transfer programme. The set of microsatellite markers developed in this study is a valuable addition to the already available DNA marker resources in tobacco.
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. Madhav M.S.
. Siva Raju K.
. Gaikwad K.
. Vishalakshi B.
. Murthy T.G.K.
. Umakanth B.
Related articles
. Tobacco
. Functionality
. Transferability
. Genetic diversity
. Microsatellite
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