Research Report

Rapeseed Planting as Green Manure Improving Rice Growth and Production  

Jifeng Zhu1 , Meiyan Jiang1 , Liming Cao1 , Ming Zhang2 , Quanfeng Fei3 , Jinnan Jiao4 , Xirong Zhou1 , Weirong Wang1
1 Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Ari-food Storage and Processing Engineering Technology Research Center of Shanghai, Shanghai, 201403, P.R. China
2 Farmer’s Training Center of Science and Technology, Fengxian District, Shanghai, P.R. China
3 Jinshan District Agro-Technology Extension Center, Shanghai, 201599, P.R. China
4 Jinshan District Agro-Science and Technology Educational Information Center, Shanghai, 201599, P.R. China
Author    Correspondence author
Molecular Plant Breeding, 2021, Vol. 12, No. 37   doi: 10.5376/mpb.2021.12.0037
Received: 03 Nov., 2021    Accepted: 12 Nov., 2021    Published: 27 Nov., 2021
© 2021 BioPublisher Publishing Platform
This article was first published in Molecular Plant Breeding in Chinese, and here was authorized to translate and publish the paper in English under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Preferred citation for this article:

Zhu J.F., Jiang M.Y., Cao L.M., Zhang M., Fei Q.F., Jiao J.N., Zhou X.R., and Wang W.R., 2021, Rapeseed planting as green manure improving rice growth and production, Molecular Plant Breeding, 12(37): 1-5(doi: 10.5376/mpb.2021.12.0037)


In order to understand the effects of rapeseed planting as green manure on the growth and yield of rice cultivar ‘Qing xiang ruan geng’, a rapeseed cultivar ‘Huyou21’ were used as green manure returning to field at flowering stage. The results showed that the rice plant height and chlorophyll content increased under the treatment of rapeseed returning as green fertilizer, and also increased under 20% fertilizer reduction after rapeseed returning to field. With the amount of rapeseed returning increased, the rice yield and the yield-component traits including grains per panicle and productive panicles number increased, while the 1000-grain weight deceased, but there was no statistical difference. In addition, when the rapeseed returning amount was 22.5 t/hm2, the rice yield was increased significantly, and also increased under that condition with 20% fertilizer reduction.

Rice; Rapeseed return to field; Yield; Growth
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