Plant Gene and Trait, 2010, Vol. 1, No. 2
Received: 10 Nov., 2010 Accepted: 30 Nov., 2010 Published: 28 Dec., 2010
A rice unilateral rolled leaf mutant, named B157 (HITAR Accession No RH615), was obtained in the rice mutant library derived from indica rice cultivar 808 radicated by 60Co-γ ray, which has a obvious character of unilateral rolled leaf with the whole growth. In this paper we made three combinations to establish genetic populations for genetic analysis, the results confirmed that the mutant trait would be controlled by a single recessive gene, tentatively named as unilateral rolled leaf ( url1t). And then further mapped on the Chromosome I with the flanking markers RM272 and RI02526, The gene might be in the 2.6 cM interval from 0.6 cM of RM272 and 2.0 cM of RI02526. Further in silico analysis suggested that the physical distance of the interval would be 692.9 kb, which includes 78 putative genes including 14 genes ecoding unknown function expression proteins, 17 genes encoding unknown function putative and 47 gene encoding function proteins based on the annotations in TIGR database. We did notice that three putative genes related to plant cell division and auxesis, which might make us link to the mutant trait of unilateral rolled leaf.
(The advance publishing of the abstract of this manuscript does not mean final published, the end result whether or not published will depend on the comments of peer reviewers and decision of our editorial board.)
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Other articles by authors
. Dong Yu

. Haibing Wu

. Wentao Yang

. Pengtao Gong

. Youzhi Li

. Degang Zhao

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