Research Article

Optimization of Leaf-disk Transformation and High Frequency Regeneration of Nicotianan benthamiana  

Xianlei Zhao , Zijian Dong , Xingbang Xie , Zhuang Zhang , Yangyang Wu , Qianqian Zhang , Wenwen Sun , Xiuju Du , Xuesong Cao , Q.A. Hu
Liaocheng University, College of Life Sciences, Liaocheng, 252000, P.R. China
Author    Correspondence author
Plant Gene and Trait, 2020, Vol. 11, No. 12   doi: 10.5376/pgt.2020.11.0012
Received: 21 Dec., 2020    Accepted: 23 Dec., 2020    Published: 27 Dec., 2020
© 2020 BioPublisher Publishing Platform
This article was first published in Molecular Plant Breeding in Chinese, and here was authorized to translate and publish the paper in English under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Preferred citation for this article:

Zhao X.L., Dong Z.J., Xie X.B., Zhang Z., Wu Y.Y., Zhang Q.Q., and Sun W.W., 2020, Optimization of leaf-disk transformation and high frequency regeneration of Nicotianan benthamiana, Plant Gene and Trait, 11(12): 1-10 (doi: 10.5376/pgt.2020.11.0012)


Nicotianan benthamiana is a close relative of Nicotiana Tabacum. It’s widely used in studies of “Plant-Pathogen interactions”. Leaf-disk plant transformation method is widely used in plant molecular biology. In this research, we compared different parameters of different steps of Nicotiana benthamiana leaf-disk transformation procedure. We found co-cultivation at 18℃, balances the transformation frequency and late on selection better than the commonly used 25℃. Upon this pre-condition, we optimized parameters of the other steps of leaf-disk transformation of Nicotianan benthamiana. In the meanwhile, the research optimized the concentration of AgNO3 and Phytagel of regeneration medium, in the context of bud’s induction. The research found that adding 4.3 mg/L AgNO3and 8.8 g/L phytagel in the medium, gives the highest buds induction rate.

Nicotianan benthamiana; Buds induction; Silver nitrate; Phytagel; Genetic transformation
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Plant Gene and Trait
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Other articles by authors
. Xianlei Zhao
. Zijian Dong
. Xingbang Xie
. Zhuang Zhang
. Yangyang Wu
. Qianqian Zhang
. Wenwen Sun
. Xiuju Du
. Xuesong Cao
. Q.A. Hu
Related articles
. Nicotianan benthamiana
. Buds induction
. Silver nitrate
. Phytagel
. Genetic transformation
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