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  Home    Editorial Board

Plant Gene and Trait (ISSN 1925-2013) is an open-access journal operated by the GenBreed Publisher on an online publishing platform in Canada. The journal appoints scholars with expertise in the field and experience in journal management as editors-in-chief and selects renowned scientists worldwide as associate editors and editorial board members, forming the editorial board of the journal. Associate editors and board members can be nominated by the editor-in-chief, recommended by the editorial board, or self-nominated, and their qualifications are confirmed by the Plant Gene and Trait Editorial Board Assembly.



Jim Mason, Ph.D., Professor
The GenBreed Publisher, Richmond, British Columbia, Canada


Editorial Office

All editorial and publishing affairs are managed by the editorial office located in Richmond, Greater Vancouver, Canada. Typesetting, graphic editing, and publication production are outsourced to Jiugu MolBreed SciTech.


Senior Academic Editor: Jim Mason (

Managing Editor: Julie M. Luo (
Assistant Editor: Melisa Zibell (


PGT welcomes scientists worldwide dedicated to contributing expertise in this research field and anyone interested in becoming an editor to join our team. Click here to learn how to become an editor of PGT.


Editorial Board Members

(The list is arranged in alphabetical order by surname)

Kaiwen Liang, Ph.D.

Hainan Institute of Tropical Agricultural Resources
Hainan, China


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Peer Review Experts

(The list is arranged in alphabetical order by surname)

Plant Gene and Trait journal implements a comprehensive peer review policy, inviting globally renowned scholars to serve as peer reviewers. To thank them for their contributions, the names and institutions of the 2023 annual peer review experts, listed with their consent, are as follows:


Wenzhong Huang, Ph.D.

Hainan Institute of Tropical Agricultural Resources
Hainan, China


Jiong Fu, Ph.D.

Biotechnology Research Center
Cuixi Academy of Biotechnology
Zhejiang, China