Screening and Expression Analysis of Temperature-responsing Proteins that Can Remove Low Temperature Stagnancy of Seeds Germination of Lepidium apetalum
Aerials and Roots Vegetative Tissues Differ in Guaiacol Peroxidases Responses to Cold Stress in Two Contrasting Medicago ciliaris Populations
Perpetuation of Alternaria solani of Potato under Temperate Kashmir Valley Conditions
A Quantitative Assay for Fatty Acid Composition of Castor Seed in Different Developmental Stages
Tissue Culture Technology is a Breeding Approach in Wheat: An Overview
Quantitative Trait Locus Analysis for Grain Size Related Traits of Rice
Analyses on Progenitor Donors of the Cultivated Allotetraploid Cottons Revealed by GISH
Heritability and predicted gain from selection in components of crop duration and seed yield in sesame (Sesamum indicum L.)
Breeding for components of earliness and seed yield in sesame
Insight in the utilization of Marker Assisted Selection in Cotton (A Review)
Genetic Diversity and Population Structure of Eritrean Pepper (Capsicum species) as Revealed by SSR Markers
Molecular Biology of Ethylene, a Review
Development of Source Independent Micropropagation System in Dalbergia sissoo Roxb, as a basis for Germplasm Conservation and Disease Free Plants Production
Biochemical and Molecular Studies of Various Enzymes Activity in Fungi
Sequence Characterized Amplified Regions Linked with Apomictic Mode of Reproduction in Four Different Apomictic Cenchrus Species
Impact of Aphids on Cereals and Phloem Based Defense Mechanism
A Review on Genetic Basis of Heat Shock Proteins
Allelic Distribution of Puroindoline Genes Affecting the Grain Hardness in Some Iranian Bread Wheat Cultivars
Morphometric Variability and Biochemical Analysis of Growth Seedlings under Salt Stress in Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) Cultivars.
Study of Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid and 6-Benzylaminopurine Effects on Callus Development in Cucurbita moschata
Mutagenic Effects of Ultraviolet Radiation on Growth and Agronomic Characters in Maize Cultivars
Study on Stability of Grain Yield Sunflower Cultivars by AMMI and GGE bi Plot in Iran
Genetics of Partial Resistance to Leaf Rust (Puccinia triticina Erikss. & Henn.) in Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L. em Thell)
Polyamine mediated anti-oxidation activity facilitates of Marsilea minuta L. under Cd toxicity
Assessment of trait efficiency and selection of parents in brinjal (Solanum melongena L.)
Identification and Genetic Characterization of a New d10 Mutated Indica Rice Germplasm
Analysis of Genetically modified BT and cp4EPSPS Cotton cultivars for transformation efficiency, acclimatization, expression and toxic levels to insects
Assessment of Wheat Variety Uniformity using SSR Markers
Differential expressed genes of banana leaves induced by Fusarium wilt disease
Population genetic structure and genetic diversity in Dracocephalum thymiflorum L. (Lamiaceae) populations in Iran